New Years Resolutions

If you follow my Instagram (ahem), then you’ll know that I made some New Year’s resolutions last year, and then didn’t follow through with them. Like many other people, I tried for approximately the first one or two months, and then slowly fell back into my old habits. So this year, I’m trying again! Hopefully this website will actually come in handy and hold me accountable. Maybe.

I’m actually kind of over the concept of New Years resolutions, because I figure that if you really wanted to change something, you wouldn’t just wait until the next year to do it. You can set goals all year round, and in general a lot of people set large goals for New Year’s resolutions. It’s great to have an end goal in mind, but for me personally, smaller goals that build up to a larger one are more effective. So my New Year’s resolutions this year aren’t going to be particularly grand, and are part of things that I have already been working on since last year.

Resolution #1: Exercise at least 5x per week

On average, I already exercise 3-4 times per week, but that is actually less than what I used to do. I used to be a competitive ice skater, doing some sort of training 7x per week. Yep, I exercised every. single. day. But now I’m no longer a competitive athlete, and instead of ice skating, my exercise comes in the form of taekwondo and dance. And for dance, I have no set schedule of classes I take, with one exception, so the number of times I dance per week can vary greatly.

I also happen to have a gym membership that is collecting dust. In all honestly, I only got the gym membership to take advantage of their dance studio, but I’ve also enjoyed their cycling classes. And that’s perfect, because I need to work on my cardio, and running is too hard on my shitty knees. Hopefully I’ll be able to stick to this one because the only thing I actually need to do is attend an extra class or two every week.

Resolution #2: Stop procrastinating

I’m a college student, so it’s basically in my nature to procrastinate. I’ve started not doing that for some of my assignments last semester, although the progress was mostly seen in my reading assignments, not the written ones. I don’t expect some sort of miracle to happen and for me to suddenly plan out my essays 3 weeks in advance, but not submitting an assignment at literally 11:59 pm would be nice.

Resolution #3: Be more social

I have a resting bitch face, and I’m shy, introverted, and quiet. As a result, it’s hard for me to make friends, and some people think I’m stuck-up. That’s completely understandable, but I’m really not. So I’m hoping to branch out of my shell this year by mainly doing three things:

  1. Put more effort into keeping in touch with friends
  2. Work on my small talk skills
  3. Be aware of my resting bitch face

I think these three things are more than enough for me to work on this year, especially because I already have a lot of other side projects planned for the year. What are your New Year’s resolutions?


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